About Moi

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(p) 403.463.7737 / (e) scouturephotography@gmail.com

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Website Change!!

Hi everyone! 

Please note that I will no longer be using this site.  My new site is right HERE!

Hope you all enjoy!!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wood Family Photos | Preview!

Hey guys, here's just a quick one from the Wood family -- more to come over the weekend!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Couture Boudoir | Book your session today!

Hi Ladies!  Looking for a great gift for your man?  Book your boudoir session today!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Family Photos|August 10, 2010

Well here's a few of my favorites!  This family was so much fun to shoot... their little guy was beyond sweet... and as you can see, very photogenic!  Enjoy!
(Don't mind the quality of the pictures... I'm ready to strangle my computer... if it had a neck I would!)

One of my favorites! Isn't he sweet!?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sneak Peak: Family Portrait Session on August 10th

I had the opportunity of photographing the nicest family! Their little boy stole the show for sure though.  He was so adorable and full of energy!  If he wasn't posing for the camera, he was suggesting poses... I think he's a little photographer in the making!

More to come... if my computer ever stops freezing!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Glorious Saturday!

Ahhh today is one of those Saturdays that makes me love the summer so much more.  It's already close to 7pm and it only feels like noon.  I love having a lazy day.  Today Gabe and I went for Thi Thi Subs downtown, and then skipped out to Superstore for some ingredients for our favorite pasta (thanks Amy!!)  Now we're just unwinding with 'the kids' (aka the beasts).
I can't wait for the engagement shoot tomorrow!!!

This is Hank (aka beast no. 1).  We got him as a wedding present from my brother last year.  After upon returning from our honeymoon, we came home to a little 6lb puppy.  He was SO adorable.  Hank was rescued off of a nearby reserve and brought into the SPCA for adoption.  Hank just turned a year old this past July and is 70lbs of pure suck.  I have never known a dog to be as big of a baby as this one!

This is Betty (aka beast no. 2).  She was my birthday present from Gabe... he finally got the hint that I wanted a kitty after about a solid year of straight nagging.  She was adopted from the Cochrane Humane.  Her original name was 'Cloud'.  We changed her name immediately (need I say more?)  Betty is 9lbs of raging mischief.... we had to put her on a diet after she dislocated her toe and got lazy.  Now she's bottom heavy... just like her mamma.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Calgary Wedding: Andrew & Kathy

Man, oh man.  I'm finally done editing the wedding photos taken from last weekend.  Luckily Andrew and Kathy got married when they did because the weather was hot and beautiful (for once)!   Needless to say, after this I'm parking my keester on the couch and I'm watching some (boring) Saturday night tv.  Enjoy!

The couple going around to each table for a toast!

One of the bride's family members and her daughter sharing a 
moment off to the side. :o)

The head table.

Sneaking in some play time before the meal!

Andrew (not) listening to his parents give him some advice.